Травматология и ортопедия для ординаторов
Специальность: травматология и ортопедия
Курс: 1-2 курс ординатуры
Автор курса: Файзрахманова Г.М.
Преподаватель: Файзрахманова Г.М.
Distant education of Human Anatomy for 1st and 2nd year
This course is made out of nessasity to educate Human Anatomy during acting anti-coronovirus quarantine measures in Kazan State Medical University.
It will provide nessasary manual with lessons to study and enable communication of teacher with students during the lessons (according to the official shedule) to assess readiness and knowledge of students.
Author: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N.
Teacher: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N., Safiullov T.R., Safiullin Z.Z., Faizrahmanova A.N.
Distant education of Human Anatomy Locomotion Apparatus (coronavirus)
Author: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N.
Teacher: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N., Safiullov T.R., Safiullin Z.Z., Faizrahmanova A.N.