Hygiene for students of dental medicine
Department of General Hygiene.
Specialty: Dentistry
Course - 3, Semester - 6
Number of hours: Total - 108 hours, ZET - 3 hours, including Lectures - 16 hours, Practical classes - 45 hours, Independent work - 47 hours
Form of control: Test
The purpose of mastering the discipline is the formation of hygiene skills for the protection of the health of citizens by ensuring the provision of dental care in accordance with established requirements and standards in the field of healthcare.
A dental specialist will be able to competently and productively solve problems in Medical activities (prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases of the maxillofacial region; health education work among the population; formation of patient motivation to strengthen their health and the health of others; teaching patients basic hygienic measures of a health-improving nature); Organizational, managerial and scientific research activities.
Authors of the course:
Olga R. Radchenko - Associate Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the Department of General Hygiene.
Ksenia A. Lushanina - Assistant of the Department of General Hygiene.
Tropical medicine
Department: Infectious Diseases
Faculty: medical
Specialty: 31.05.01 Medicine
Course duration: 6th year, 11 semester
Course authors: F.S. Gilmullina, I.V. Nikolaeva
Translator: S.E. Miftakhova
1-ИФ. Pharmacology for General Medicine
Разработчик курса/автор и ответственный за портал - проф. А.У. Зиганшин
Lecturer - Professor Ayrat U. Ziganshin
Discipline: Pharmacology
Specialty: General Medicine – 31.05.01
Department: Pharmacology
Term: Course 3, semesters 5,6
Form of control: exam
Lectures: 42 hours Practical classes: 99 hours
Author: Prof. Ayrat U. Ziganshin
Teachers: Ziganshin A.U., Baichurina A.Z., Kashapov L.R., Nikitin D.O., Ivanova D.V.
4-ИФ. Pharmacology for Stomatology students
Специальность: Стоматология
Курс: 3
Семестр: 5-6
Автор курса: профессор Байчурина А.З.
Русский язык в профессиональном общении
Для иностранных студентов 3 курса специальности "Лечебное дело".
Авторы: доцент, кпн Едокимова А,Д,, ст. преподаватель Балтаева В.Т.
Сlinical immunology and allergology
Speciality: Foreign Students
Authors: prof. Skorokhodkina O.V., prof. Tsybulkina V.N., prof. Khakimova R.F., assoc. prof. Vasilyeva A.A., ass. Klyucharova A.R., ass. Kurmaeva N.Sh., ass. Tsybulkin N.A., ass. Ziganshina G.F., ass. Valeeva A.R
Anatomic Pathology
A branch of Pathology, focusing on structural (gross, microscopic, ultrastractural and molecular) changes in disease. Diagnostic specialty.
Anatomy of the Human Body for the Medical Students
Speciality: Foreign Students
Course: 1
Semestr: 1
Author: к.ф.н., доцент Ю.Ю. Липатова
Anatomy test
Speciality: Foreign Students
Author: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N.
Teacher: Gazizov I.M., Lisyukov A.N., Safiullov T.R., Safiullin Z.Z., Faizrahmanova A.N.
Anesthesiology and intensive care
- We are glad to see you at the distance course in anesthesiology and intensive care. This course will help you master the section of self-study in the discipline. This course presents modern algorithms and recommendations on the main topics of the discipline.
- Course developers
- PhD Davydova Veronika Rustemovna
- Ass. Papasyan David Gevorgovich
- Hours: lectures 18 hours, practice 45 hours, independent work 45 hours
- Total hours 108, form of intermediate control - test
Assistant to Junior medical staff
Discipline purpose: formation and development of student’s competencies aimed at compliance with ethical norms and rules in working with patients, maintaining a sanitary and anti- epidemic regime in medical institutions. Applying this knowledge and skills in practice.
Biology (Lectures for International students, General Medicine)
Specialty: General Medicine
Course: 1
Semesters: 1, 2
Lecturer: Koshpaeva E.S.
Clinical Practice (Assistant Physician) 4 year
Автор курса - к.м.н., ассистент кафедры госпитальной терапии, Мухаметова Диляра Дамировна
Discipline purpose: consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired during the training, such as clinical manifestations of the main syndromes of diseases in therapeutic patients, diagnostic methods, diagnostic capabilities of research methods for a therapeutic patient, modern methods of clinical, laboratory, instrumental examination of patients (including endoscopic, radiological methods, ultrasound diagnostics), emergency procedures, principles of treatment, indications for treatment.